Empower your business wherever you are

BayCity Communications offers a wide range of corporate and enterprise satellite plans that are designed to fit both the budget allocated and the service required. A range of contended as well as dedicated services are predefined to make choosing the right level of service that is required at each site. Both Layer 2 and Layer 3 solutions are available.

Whether you have a remote site that you need to connect to your existing WAN or simply a site that needs to operate outside of your network (but is outside of cellular or private network range), BayCity can provide a solution for you.


In an emergency, empower your business

Satellite connectivity during large scale natural disasters tends to be taken as a given – short term on demand bandwidth. Baycity offers a range of on demand services including temporary or permanent installations.

For customers requiring greater network resilience during periods outside on natural disasters (network disruptions that occur due to isolated accidents or physical cable damage), then always on satellite services with a Business Continuity class of service is available.


In an emergency, or just on the move

BayCity Communications is the New Zealand Reseller and Support Agent for C-COM Satellite’s world class proprietary iNetVu® Auto-pointing Satellite Systems. C-COM is a leader in the development and deployment of mobile satellite-based technology for the delivery of 2-way high-speed Internet services into vehicles or other mobile structures.

The iNetVu® provides connectivity to a wide variety of users including the Military, Police, Fire, Disaster Management, Oil & Gas Exploration, Mobile Medical Services, Emergency Services, News Gathering, Mining, Construction, Bookmobiles, and Mobile Offices. No matter when, no matter where, when your application requires “must have” connectivity, the iNetVu® can deliver.

iNetVu® is a mobile auto acquisition satellite antenna system. With the simple push of a button, the iNetVu® automatically unfolds, locates the appropriate satellite, locks on to a signal, and establishes a connection —all using only the battery power of the vehicle, all within minutes of deployment, and all without relying on traditional terrestrial infrastructure.

BayCity can pair iNetVu® products with Optus and IPSTAR or any appropriate carrier with New Zealand coverage.

What iNetVu® products would be best for me in New Zealand? Depending on your carrier we’d pair you with the appropriate antenna size (0.98cm, 1.2m, or 1.8m). If you are an SNG operator you’d likely want to use a convenient “fly-away” kit paired with a solar pack.

satellite based broadband services

About Us

Specialists in satellite based broadband services

BayCity Communications is the largest operator for Optus D2 and IPSTAR satellite based services in New Zealand. Through the application of this satellite technology along with other terrestrial technologies BayCity Communications provides a unique set of communication services to rural New Zealand as well as the wider business community.

Baycity delivers business grade and enterprise grade connectivity to remote locations in New Zealand via its Satellite solutions.

Satellite connectivity deployment is fast – with connections even in the most remote of places being able to be set up within a matter of days as opposed to weeks or months for other platforms. Whether it is a short terms event based communication requirement of a longer term WAN extension, satellite can cater for this need.

International Calling Rates

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Terms & Conditions

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Contact us today & discover the possibilities of satellite

Sales & Service: 0800 32 76 74

Office: 8 Butler Street, Timaru, 7910, New Zealand