Mobile roaming
We help you stay connected while you’re out of the country with Daily Roaming from just $8/day. You can use your Endless Pay Monthly calls and text in over 100 destinations.

Daily Roaming
Stay connected while travelling overseas and roam for just $8 per day and use your Endless Pay Monthly plan minutes, TXTs in over 100 Daily Roaming destinations. Once you have exceeded your Endless Pay Monthly plan Max Speed Data allowance (5GB, 15GB or 40GB), and you can continue to use mobile data at the lower speed of 1.2Mbps while roaming.
Daily Roaming lets you use your Endless Pay Monthly mobile plan to call and TXT standard local landline numbers and mobile phone numbers within the Daily Roaming country you are in at no additional charge.
For example: if you are on the 5GB, 15GB or 40GB Mobile plan with Endless calls to standard NZ numbers, Daily Roaming enables you to also call and TXT to local numbers within the Daily Roaming country you are visiting at no charge.
You can make standard calls and TXT from the Daily Roaming country you are visiting, back home to New Zealand and Australia at no additional charge.
Calls and TXTs to any other destinations while roaming in a Daily roaming country will be treated as international calls or TXTs, and all other activity will be charged as if you had made the call or TXT from within New Zealand. You can find our International calling rates here
For example: if you are in the United States, and call the United Kingdom (these are both Daily Roaming countries), you will be charged at the international calling rate of $0.69 per minute, the same calling rate if you were calling from New Zealand and made the call to the UK.
The Daily Roaming charge is triggered when you make a call (including a call to voicemail), receive a call, send a TXT, or use mobile data. This includes any data used by your mobile or data device, including email and any data used by apps on your mobile or data device is only applied each day that you use your device in the Daily Roaming Countries. A “day” is 00:00 to 23:59 NZ time, not the day of the local country you are travelling in. If you travel to another Daily Roaming Country in the same day you’ll only be charged the daily Charge once for that one day that you use your device.
If you receive and answer an incoming call (which is not charged), this will trigger as a daily roaming charge. You will not be charged if you receive an incoming SMS/TXT.
The $8 daily charge applies each day (until midnight NZ time) you make or receive calls,TXT or use data in any of the 100 Daily Roaming destinations for up to 90 consecutive days.
You don’t need to do anything to setup Daily Roaming, it will just work when you land in one of the 100 Daily roaming destinations.
If you are taking a cruise or using in-flight roaming on the plan, the costs are different to the Daily Roaming rates. If you want to make calls, txt or use data and the internet when you are on a cruise, ask the cruise line what options and packages they have available while onboard.
When roaming, all calls and TXT are charged in NZ dollars and GST applies.
NOTE: Daily roaming is not available everywhere, you will not be able to make or receive a call, send or receive a TXT , or use mobile data in countries where Daily Roaming is not available. You will still be able to call Emergency numbers as your phone will be able to connect to the roaming network for these calls only.
Things you should know before you head off on your overseas travel
4G and 5G are not available everywhere and requires a capable device
2G and 3G networks are starting to shut down in some countries which may impact your ability to make a call or TXT while roaming overseas. If you can’t make a call or send a TXT while overseas, try manually changing the overseas network you’re connected to
Some older mobile phones may not work on certain mobile networks overseas. If you are using an older phone and want to make sure this will work overseas before you leave New Zealand.
Make sure your mobile phone’s operating system is updated to the latest version and VoLTE roaming is turned on.
Travelling to Indonesia/Bali ? Indonesian operator XL Axiata has shut down both 2G and 3G services. Manually select TELKOMSEL or im3 for best connection experience while roaming in Indonesia.
Wifi Calling overseas
Using Wifi Calling overseas is easy, just connect to any available Wifi and turn on Wifi Calling to be able to call and TXT as if you are still in New Zealand. You don’t need to turn on Roaming to use Wifi Calling so you won’t be charged roaming rates however your minutes and TXTs used over Wifi Calling will come out of your mobile plan allowance.
For example if you’re on a Prepay or Pay Monthly plan and call a NZ number using Wifi Calling while roaming overseas, this will come out of your plan allowance. If you call a local number in the country you’re travelling in, you’ll be charged the standard cost of calling an international number, like you would at home.
Note: Calls will drop once you leave Wifi coverage and you will need to turn on Roaming to make a call.
Traveling in the US – Important things to know
Most major mobile providers in the US have retired their 2G and 3G networks which may impact some One NZ NZ customers while roaming. One NZ NZ will automatically connect you to one of the 2 largest local network operators (Verizon or AT&T) using their 4G and 5G networks in order to provide the best connection experience. This means in some regions you may be automatically switched between the two to maintain optimal coverage.
If you experience any sort of issues with connectivity while roaming in the US, please manually select Verizon or AT&T in the first instance.
If connectivity issue persists, and you cannot make/receive calls and TXTs, and you have a Samsung device, please manually select T-Mobile. Please note that T-Mobile uses 2G and 4G only, and has less coverage than Verizon or AT&T.
If your phone is 3G/2G capable only, please manually select T-Mobile 2G network. If there is no T-Mobile 2G coverage, you will lose connectivity.
If you are still unable to make a call, try calling using an app like WhatsApp, Facetime, Facebook Messenger or enable Wifi Calling in your phone settings which will allow you to make a call using Wifi calling. If you Wifi call a US number while in the USA, you will be charged the standard cost of calling a US number.
If you are connected to T-Mobile and data has stopped working after making a call or sending a TXT, this is because once you have finished making calls or TXT your mobile will switch back to a 4G network to use data.
While roaming in the USA, your phone maybe a bit slow when switching back to a 4G network and there may be a delay in using data straight after making a call or sending a TXT.
Running multiple app on our phone might impact the switch between 2G and 4G networks and we recommend you close all your apps that you are not using. Also, turning flight mode on and off will get you reconnected to 4G faster.